Teaching activity at AUR
- AHAR 101 Ancient Material Culture (every Fall)
- CLHS 205 Rome: Republic and Empire (every Spring)
- LTN 101 and 102 Beginning Latin I and II (Fall and Spring)
- AHAR 251 European Archaeology and Heritage: Ireland (1-credit, Fall 2025)
- ARCL 305 Rome of Augustus (Fall 2025)
- CLS 204 Classics and Comics (Spring 2023)
Publications and Works
Roman Archaeology under Italian Fascism. Taylor & Francis, 2018.
Articles and Book Chapters
“Sawdust Caesars: Roman Leadership in 20th-century Europe” inThe Blackwell Companion to Ancient Leadershipedited by S. Ferrario and N. Sandridge (contracted with Wiley-Blackwell; anticipated publication 2025).
“Enacting Empire: Ancient Roman Rituals in Fascist Multimedia.” inThe Roman Empireedited by S. Günther (contracted with DeGruyter; anticipated publication 2025).
“Quod mentem moneat: Monuments and memory in Bernardo Bertolucci’sThe Conformist(1970).”Classical Receptions Journal16.4 (October 2024).
“The Mirror Crack’d: The Pre-Raphaelites, Victorian Illustration, and the Fractured Classicism of Modern Fantasy.” inClassical Traditions in Modern Fantasyedited by B. Rogers and B. Stevens, Oxford University Press (January 2017).
“A Giant Corrupt Body: The Gendering of Renaissance Roma.” inReceptions of Antiquity, Constructions of Gender in European Art 1300-1600, edited by A. Poe and M. Rose, Brill Metaforms (June 2015).
“Ideological Applications: Roman Architecture and Fascist Romanità.” inThe Blackwell Companion to Roman Architectureedited by C. Quenemoen and R. Ulrich (January 2014).
“Et domus et collegium: Ostia’s ‘Domus del Tempio Rotondo’ Reconsidered.” in C. Mattusch and A. Donohue eds.Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003. Oxford: Oxbow Books (2006) 326-330.
“Myth asconsolatio: Medea on Roman Sarcophagi.”Greece & Rome51.2 (October 2004) 217-250.
Expert Consultant On...
- Roman Archaeology
- Roman Social History
- Classical Literature
- Classical Reception
- History of Archaeology